School of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences
- Doctor of Philosophy, USM
- Master of Arts (Education), USM
- Bachelor of Science with Education (Hons) (Chemistry), USM
- Programme Lead for Post Graduate Diploma in Education
- Teacher in international school (Mathematics and Science)
- Nvivo Trainer
Areas of Interest
- Mathematics Education, teacher professional development, Accreditation of Prior Learning (APEL)
Professional Highlights
- Editorial board member, Asian Journal of Distance Education, 2020-present
- Editor, Learning Science and Mathematics Online Journal, 2021
- Reviewer of International Journal of Instruction (Scopus; Q2)
- External Examiner for Bachelor of Education (Hons) (Guidance and Counselling) and Bachelor of Education (Hons) (Information Technology and Multimedia), Sourhern University College, 2022-2025
- Invited speaker, “Penang Chinese Independent School Teacher’s Professionalism Day”, organised by Persatuan Pendidikan Du Zhong Pulau Pinang, 6th July 2023.
Publication Highlights
- Numerous journal articles, conference proceedings, book chapters and books (Additional Mathematics)
- Sim, T. Y., Nagaratnam, S., Tan, S. F., & Leong, H.J. (in press). Online Learning Engagement Factors of Undergraduate Students’ Learning Outcomes: Effects on Learning Satisfaction and Performance, International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning. (Scopus; Q2).
- Tan, S. F., Ooi, L. H., Yen, A. M. N. L., & Sim, T. Y. (in press) Undergraduates’ Perception, Engagement and Learning Experience in Online Learning amid Covid-19 Pandemic, International Journal of Instruction. (Scopus; Q2).
- Tan, S. F., Eak, A. D., Ooi, L. H., & Abdullah, A. C. (2021). Relationship between learning strategies and academic performance: A comparison between accreditation of prior experiential learning (APEL) and regular entry undergraduates. Asian Association of Open Universities Journal, 16(2), 226- 238. (Scopus, Q2)
- Tan, S. F., Lim, C. S., & Chew, C. M. (2017). Changes in Teachers’ Reflection after Lesson Study Process. Malaysian Journal of Learning and Instruction. Special Issues, 145-172. (Scopus; Q1)
Awards & Recognition
- Young Innovator Award Silver Medal in the 36th Annual Conference of the Asian Association of Open Universities (AAOU2023)
- Best Paper Award Gold Medal in the 34th Annual Conference of the Asian Association of Open Universities (AAOU2021)
- Best Research Paper Silver Award, Universiti Sains Malaysia (2014)
- Best Thesis Award, University Sains Malaysia (2013)
- Recipient of MyPHD, MyBrain15, Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi (2013-2015)
- Recipient of USM Fellowship, Universiti Sains Malaysia (2010-2012)